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Major Plumbing Mistakes that Can Lead To a Plumbing Disaster

By on Aug 6, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Nearly all of us have a basic working knowledge of plumbing systems, but even a small negligence can lead to a major plumbing repair that costs significant money. Homeowners often make plumbing mistakes without realizing it, causing the lines to get blocked, parts to loosen, or any other problem that eventually results in a disaster. Here are the worst and major plumbing mistakes that you should avoid making if you want to avoid a plumbing disaster:

Ignoring the First Warning Signs

It’s a given that most homeowners pay no heed to the initial warning signs of a plumbing fault and only resort to calling in the professionals after they have tried dealing with it themselves or the problem has become too big to handle. Until we arrive, what would otherwise be a minor fault has turned into a major one requiring more effort and cost. Homeowners should take immediate action as soon as they see the first warning signs of a blockage, fault, or part replacement.

Opting For Impractical Repairs

It is important for homeowners to select the right repairs for their problem and the most updated technique to avoid any kind of nuisance. Impractical repairs, which involve physical digging, are damaging to the property and also cost the homeowner significant cost in landscaping repairs. Always avoid impractical repairs and opt for the most efficient technique to get the job done.

Improperly Disposing Garbage

Homeowners often abuse their drains by disposing their garbage inefficiently and improperly. Drains can get clogged leading to long term damage if trash, grease or other food products are constantly disposed off in the sink. You may often have resorted to disposing cooking oil in the sink and the damage doesn’t become apparent right away. It is important to dispose off your garbage in the right way and clean your drains regularly.

Using Rusted Pipes

This is a big problem for homeowners living in older homes and what contributes more to plumbing disaster is the continued use of these old and rusted pipes. Pipes can deform with pressure as they start absorbing moisture after they have serve their expected life. it’s dangerous to continue using rusted and old pipes as they can create significant damage to the system and house.

Skipping Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance by trained plumbers ensures that you plumbing system is up and running in an efficient manner. Any warning signals are treated by the plumbing expert on the first onset of occurrence. If you’re not conducting regular maintenance on your plumbing lines chances are you are inviting disaster into your home.

Plumbing repairs are inevitable but you can avoid major problems that create significant hassle by ensuring that you are proactive about repairs and maintenance.

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