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Three Common Signs That You Need to Call a Plumbing Contractor

By on Feb 23, 2015 in Plumbing |

If you want to keep your home in great condition, you will definitely need help from professionals—interior designers, carpenters, locksmiths, electricians, and more. Another expert whose services you definitely require for home maintenance is the plumbing contractor. Plumbers deal with parts of your home that you can’t live without—your bathroom, your kitchen sink, and your drainage system. In fact, you can say that a plumbing contractor can be your lifeline. Why? Because plumbers will make sure that water goes in and out of your home properly.

It’s easy to take your plumbing system and fixtures for granted. After all, you don’t really notice them when you are doing mundane activities like taking a bath, washing your hands, or doing the dishes. It is only when you encounter problems like a dripping faucet or a clogged toilet that you start paying attention to these things.

To prevent expensive repair and water bills, always consult a professional plumbing contractor. While you can try fixing minor plumbing problems on your own, it is always safer and wiser to leave major jobs to experts. They will get the job done without causing further damage.

Here are the signs that you need to call a plumbing contractor:
1. Your faucet is leaking.

If your faucet keeps on leaking even after checking the entire fixture, it means that you need to call your plumbing contractor. The professional plumber will be able to check the internal parts of the fixture and be able to determine what’s causing the leakage. The expert may also be able to tell you if you need to replace your faucet.

2. Your pipes have frozen.

You can blame this on the climate. If you see signs of frozen water pipes, it’s best to call a trusted plumber right away. Frozen pipes can burst. When this happens, you can lose hundreds of gallons of water per hour. This will not only adversely affect your water bill, but it will also damage your home.

3. The toilet isn’t flushing, or the water is rising.

This one’s more of a sanitation problem, especially when you are sharing your bathroom with other people. Toilets that refuse to flush can be due to various problems. Sometimes, it could just be that the chain from the flush handle to the flapper cap is longer than it should be. When the chain is too long, it will not be able to lift the flapper cap enough to flush the toilet fully. It may also be due to a faulty fill valve. Toilets that don’t flush properly or overflow can make you panic because it’s an embarrassing problem. A plumbing contractor can help fix these toilet woes for you.


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