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5 Plumbing Tips For First-Time Diyers

By on Apr 27, 2016 in blog, Plumber, Plumbing Contractors, Plumbing Repair Service, Sewer |

With a wealth of DIY videos and instructions out there, anyone can be their own plumber. However, while learning DIY sewer and plumbing repair skills and tips are often enough to get the job done, there’s a bit of a risk that you might get in way over head. Here are some tips from Popular Mechanics on how to be a better DIYer when it comes to plumbing and sewer repair.

Know Where Your Controls Are

Figure out where your shutoff controls are before you start anything. That way, if anything bursts or if an accident happens, you won’t have to waste valuable time frantically trying to find the shutoff valves to cut off the water. You can shut off the water even before water damage becomes an issue.

Know Your Home

Knowing your home plumbing system inside-out is a smart and practical move. Knowing where everything is will make it easier for you to carry out sewer repairs if and when something happens. Also, troubleshooting your system is simpler when you know what you’re dealing with.

sewer repairsHave a Complete Toolbox Don’t use makeshift tools. The number one rule to doing sewer and plumbing repairs is to make sure you use the right tools. That’s why you’ll need to invest in basic tools. Make sure that before you start on any repair project, you already have all the tools you’ll need at your disposal. It can be pretty frustrating to get started only to realize you’ll need to make a quick trip to the hardware shop because you forgot a tool.

Leave Your Pipes Alone

You’re not a pro. So stop yourself from dismantling or gouging apart your pipes. If the damage is extensive or you think you’re a little way over your head, let a professional take over the repair work for you. It’s better to be safe than sorry and that means having experts deal with the work when the work gets tough or difficult.

Don’t Rely Too Much on Tools

While having the right tools for the job is crucial, what’s even more important is knowing how to use them. So if you haven’t got the know-how and don’t have the time yet to learn it, then leave the job to the experts. Using power tools when you’ve got zero skills can lead to accidents.
So the next time you start working on some sewer repair, make sure to keep these tips in mind.

Apex Plumbing offers sewer repair services. Need our help? Call and book our services today!

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